HoneyRock-Wheaton Leadership Development

January 27, 2025
Dave Peterson

HoneyRock/Wheaton Graduate School has provided graduate education in the field of camp, outdoor, and adventure ministry leadership since 1969. Their graduates span the globe and can be found in camps, churches, mission agencies, colleges, and various profit and non-profit organizations.

We offer a Masters Degree in Outdoor and Adventure Leadership (designed for program leaders) and a Masters Degree in Leadership-Outdoor and Adventure Leadership Concentration (designed for executive leaders). Both of these degrees provide exceptional, industry leading training for the camp ministry movement worldwide. Courses include: leadership and spiritual formation, organizational leadership, program design and evaluation, theology and practice of outdoor ministry, cultural engagement, staff development, strategic leadership, non-profit leadership (finance, legal, risk management), plus electives in wilderness leadership, global camp ministry, research and more. All courses are designed for specific application to the camp ministry setting and are excellent training for current or emerging leaders in camp organizations.

Wheaton partners with organizations that want to create a cohort of students who progress for the program together. All students take class together while they work full or part-time in the organization and integrate their learning immediately into their work setting. These formal partnerships provide tuition discounts of 15-25% and the opportunity to teach courses at the partner’s location. Join us for a conversation about creating a California cohort of camp leaders.